Nathakamol Lorwongam

Time before we are together

Every move you make, everything you do is always remembered by someone around you. Those who love and value you are always by your side, my love.

This photo was taken months before our marriage by P’ Rose

Traveled to japan

December 2016

In the very end of the year 2016, to take my sweet heart to travel to Japan for the first time.  I’m sure he will fall in love with this country.

This is a small town of Fuji, it is located in the very bottom of the Fuji mountain.  From this town, where we stayed for days, we could see the strong, the beauty, the one-of-a-kind of the Fuji mountain.

This small town is very peaceful but it has everything you need to live, to rest and to have fun.

Nathakmol Lorwongam (Noon)

Traveled in Macau

lived in Shenzhen with my husband during 2017-2019

This city is called Las Vegas of Asia, it is a property of China but was governed by the Portuguese for years  and legalized gambling.  In the year 2018 its revenue surpassed 3 times of Las Vegas.

We lived in Shenzhen that we can travel to HK, Macau easily.  We could buy things in HK and Macau cheaper than in Mainland China.  But yet we could still live in one of the most advanced cities in the world “Shenzhen”.

Nathakmol Lorwongam (Noon)

New Zealand : Hobbiton


This magnificent view is one of the places that the Lord of the Rings movie fans dying to see.  This is the scene set that is actually the Shire in the movie is taken.

Although I’m not a fan of The Lord of the Rings but being in this place, really made me feel magical!

Nathakmol Lorwongam (Noon)

Become a mother

to a baby girl

On September 3rd 2018 our beautiful angel, Aria Lorwongam (罗英雅), was born to our family. She was born in Shenzhen, Shekou Mothernity Hospital (深圳市南山区妇幼保健院) and become the heart of  family ever since.

Nathakmol Lorwongam (Noon)

Visit a friend in South Korea

On December 4th, 2019, we went to Seoul, Korea to visit our friend.  This trip is nicely prepared to be in this Korean winter.  This is just about a week before the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Nathakmol Lorwongam (Noon)

A computer-generated Profile Photo

an application-generated a profile picture for me. Looks pretty nice.

